1951 - present Datsun/Nissan Patrol

The Nissan Patrol is a series of large four-wheel drive vehicles manufactured by Nissan in Japan since 1951. The Patrol is generally regarded as a tough and utilitarian 4×4 in Australia and New Zealand, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Japan, and the Caribbean, where it competes directly with the Toyota Land Cruiser which is its main rival in those markets. 

Datsun Patrol atau Nissan Patrol adalah mobil dengan empat roda penggerak (4 x 4) yang diproduksi sejakk tahun 1951. Mobil ini lazim ditemukan di Selandia Baru, Timur Tengah, Amerika Latin, Afrika, Eropa, Jepang, Karibia, yang juga merupakan pesaing utama Toyota Landcruiser.

Datsun Patrol 4W60 in 1951

Datsun Patrol P60 in 1959

Nissan Patrol 160 in 1980

Nissan Patrol Y60 in 1987

Nissan Patrol Y61 in 1997

Nissan Patrol Y62 in 2010


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